Frequently Asked Questions

Where will visits take place?

Most visits will take place virtually or by phone depending on your preference. Visits can take place in-person for residents in the Waterloo-Wellington Region. There may be an additional travel fee for in-person visits depending on location.

In addition to in-home visits, do you meet in hospitals, Long-term care (LTC) centres and/or hospice?

Yes if the client and/or family has invited me and it is authorized by the centre.

Do you provide vigil services (sitting at the bedside with the client in those final weeks/days/hours)?

At this time, I am not able to accommodate vigil services as part of my support. I would be happy to refer you to other home care and/or palliative resources that provide this service(s).

When my loved one dies, do you attend the home?

As the family, I coach you on what to expect when your loved one dies and will offer grief support as requested. I however am unable to attend the home at the time of death.

What happens if my loved one who was receiving services dies without utilizing their full contract of services?

At the signing of the initial contract, the client affirms sessions can be assigned to someone else.

What is MAID ?

MAID is medical assistance is dying. It is a process that allows someone who is suffering from an incurable medical illness to receive assistance from a medical practitioner (physician or nurse practitioner) in ending their life. They must be assessed and meet specific legislative requirements.

Do you support clients who have chosen MAID?

Yes, I support clients that have chosen MAID. I however am not a legal
MAID assessor. Given these assessments are often set up with short notice or after hours, I do offer in-person or virtual support to help further your understanding of the process, ensure forms are completed correctly, and answer questions and/or provide note taking as required.

If myself or my loved one chooses MAID, will you be there on the day that MAID occurs?

I can be present on MAID provision day if that is a support the client wishes to receive, however please inquire ahead of time to ensure availability.

Are your services covered under private insurance or benefit plans?

Unfortunately at this time, end-of-life consultants/coaches or doulas are not a regulated health profession in Canada and therefore are not covered under any private insurance plans. This is a private pay service.

What payment options are available?

I except cash, e-transfer, or PayPal. I require a 25% deposit before our first meeting (this does not include the free consultation). Payment can be done in full or in 3 installments. If paying in full, there is a 10% discount.

Can I order packages or services for someone else?

Yes, this would be a wonderful service to gift to someone else. Please advise if this is for someone else at time of inquiry.